Current Family Trends & Their Impact

Where We Are: Current Family Trends & Their Impact

Whether you are wanting to know the best route to Chick-fil-a or perhaps you took a wrong turn, finding your way around is easy with the modern luxury of GPS at our fingertips. 

In order for a GPS to work, however, it has to know two things: 

(1) Where you are
(2) Where you want to go

This applies to many things in life, including family advocacy.

Before we can start moving towards the goal, we have to know where we currently are at. 

With the start of a new year, I thought it would be fitting for my first post to look at where we are currently starting at in 2023 concerning family trends.

To be more effective family advocates, we must have an awareness of what "the family" looks like today. 

This post serves as a baseline study of trends and issues in the status quo. This will set the stage for the tools and applications I will be sharing in future posts. 

First, I will layout important definitions.

Second, I will discuss global and national trends regarding family. 

Third, I will discuss the impact.

Terms & Definitions

Total Fertility Rate (TFR): The average number of children per woman.

Global Trends & The American Family

For most of history, the pre-modern world had total fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman. However, over the past 50 years, the global fertility rate has been cut in half with the average being 2.3 children per woman today.

It is true that in developing countries, women have more children. However, 80% of the global population lives in countries with a TFR under 3 children per woman. In this way, the overall trend is a decrease in population and smaller families. 

Some factors are that there is an increased focus on marrying later in life, focusing on self/career, and choosing to have less children. Most children are still born in marriages, but less people are getting married and those who are getting married are choosing to do so later in life.

Sadly, with greater access to abortion, many children are dying. "For the year 2012 – the last year for which we have data – it is estimated that 85 million pregnancies were unwanted. Of these 85 million pregnancies 50 percent ended in abortion" (Roser). 


There are many benefits to marrying earlier on and choosing to have children. While it is a big responsibility and financial commitment, the benefits far outweigh these aspects.

Children bring joy. They help you grow in ways that you wouldn't be able to without them. Raising a family and prioritizing them in your life leads to greater satisfaction. You get to invest in someone's future directly and help guide them on the path of life. Studies show that you are more likely to stay committed to your spouse if you marry on as well. The benefits of a two-parent family on a child's health and happiness is important to prioritize. 

Additionally, having children can help you grow closer to your spouse. You will be able to work as a team in a way you wouldn’t be able to without children. Children can teach you patience, love, time management, and many other important principles. 

Overall, family life can be the most fulfilling thing in your life. It allows you to create a unit, learn, grow, and love. 

Call to Action

If the only thing you take away from this is greater awareness, than that is great! 

However, in addition, I would invite you to further your knowledge on this subject through personal study. Sharing with others and spreading awareness is one of the most important aspects of being a family advocate. 


Aria Bendix and Joe Murphy (12 Jan, 2023) - "The modern family size is changing. Four charts show how." NBC News, 

Max Roser (2014) - "Fertility Rate". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]


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